
With over 97 experts, we couldn't be more excited about our lineup. Which ones will you watch?
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01:00 PM

Emotional Coaching concepts applied to develop players

Alberto Castellani

Alberto Castellani

01:20 PM

What and how to learn from mistakes

Jim Loehr

Dr. Jim Loehr

02:00 PM

From hitters to players. From Teachers to Coaches

Lorenzo Beltrame

Lorenzo Beltrame

02:40 PM

Ask Brian Dillman & Ramona Husaru

Brian Dillman Ramona Husaru

Ramona Husaru & Brian Dillman

03:20 PM

The warm up in today's game to activate, prevent injuries and maximize results

Roberto Vavassori

Roberto Vavassori

04:00 PM

Master the return of serve

Ted Sichelman

Ted Sichelman

04:40 PM

Elevate your mental game: Strategies for better performance

Ramona Husaru

Ramona Husaru

04:40 PM

Hip Warm Up for Tennis

Tonu Liiband Luke Fuller

Luke Fuller & Tonu Liiband

05:20 PM

Live Panel: Communication in Tennis

Jennifer Gelhaus Adam Blicher Dan Kiernan

Jennifer Gelhaus, Dan Kiernan & Adam Blicher

06:00 PM

Fitness that wins matches: A complete training system for warm up, agility, strengh, endurance and recovery

Andrew Mateljan

Andrew Mateljan

06:00 PM

Empowering individual reslience: Enhacing personal competencies of coaches

Ivonne Herr

Ivonne Herr

06:40 PM

Evolutionary visualization

Alessio Fiorucci

Alessio Fiorucci

06:40 PM

The physical preparation leading up to and during a Grand Slam

Tom Couch

Tom Couch

07:20 PM

Emotions: resources or obstacles to performance? The power of Emotional-Behavioural Coaching

Manuela Caputi

Manuela Caputi

07:20 PM

Data-Driven Training & Long-Term Athletic Development

Ali Ghelem

Ali Ghelem

07:45 PM

Holistic and individualised perfomance analytics for tennis players Part 1

Shane Liyanage

Shane Liyanage

07:45 PM

Holistic and individualised perfomance analytics for tennis players Part 2

Shane Liyanage

Shane Liyanage

08:00 PM

Bridging the gap. Where tennis coaching meets physical training

Gianluca Carbone

Gianluca Carbone

08:40 PM

Game, set,… Frustation?

Silvina Jozami

Silvina Jozami

09:20 PM

How to increase self-believe and resilience

Marius Barnard

Marius Barnard

10:00 PM

Tennis Analytics

Oivind Sorvald

Oivind Sorvald

10:40 PM

Dream Big. Coach Confidently. Chase Greatness

Ann Quinn

Ann Quinn


01:50 PM

World Tennis Conference 5 Closing

Fernando Segal

Fernando Segal

02:00 PM

Connecting with Coaches. Making a new impact for them

Jack Groppel Jim Loehr

Dr. Jim Loehr & Dr. Jack Groppel

02:20 PM

How perfomance mindset become an advantage in everything you do

Jason Stacy

Jason Stacy

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